
22 Sept 2011

Star Time Adventure Watcher

A month back Brandon Graham revised an old art-meme with his version of Moebius' Starwatcher in the hope that it would cook up like Apple Pie. It certainly seems to be. I've only recently, since my trip to Vancouver, found my love for Moebius' work. This is mainly due to Brandon, when staying at his, handing copies of 'bius' work to look at and i'm thankful he did. I really fell for Jean Giraud's (Moebius) style of aesthetics and technique and his ethereal colour and characters. Seeing as this Starwatcher  seemed like a fun thing to join in on, I was inspired to do, and no-one had done it yet, an Adventure Time tribute. Because I fluffing love that show. 

So here it is, I've been working on it on and off for the past few weeks, in-between work and things. Warcel had the pleasure of throwing in some alternate ideas after I had drawn up the line work so I'd like to go back to it and alter bits or do an alternate version with Beemo as the focus and push more of Jake's bombastic attitude into the image, but I feel ready enough to post this one.  It's been a pretty fun journey to take with this, I was originally going to go for a more Moebius or a Cell Shaded venture, but I was really attracted to the AT title cards. They bring in this crazy painterly juxtaposition of styles against the simpleness of the cartoon that works really well. So I thought, let's do that!


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