Blahhh Sorry it's been such a long time. I've been real busyfor the last month, I'm working on my own IP atm, and I've been real busy with some NDA stuff so I've not been able to show what I've been up to. I'm gonna try and post up some new stuff soon, I feel like I'm cheating posting older stuff. I've got a couple of projects on the go that I should be able to post up which I've been wanting to do so for a while now. Keep posted!
Either way this is something I meant to post aaaaages ago, but I'd lost all of my second yr Uni work .Which blows. However my girlfriend had a copy of some larger-res jpegs on her computer for some reason. Which is awesome. So here they are. It's a Information project I did back in second year. I wanted to design a insect spotter's guide since I had one as a kid which I loved, and I've always been keen to do my own. I recall this being quite a short project, or at-least I didn't get to spend that long on it. So its not as fleshed out as I would like it to be, and if I get the chance I probably will finish up the rough edges. I had a lot of fun with it, would be real sweet to get something like this published.